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ZXIC  supplies raw materials mainly from Turkey. The raw materials supplied includes magnetite and hematite iron ore, chrome, manganese and Nickel Ores.  
We also focuse on the development of raw material resources in Turkey and offering interested parties the needed resources and right partners with different type of investment and partnership arrangements.  

The main resources currently available are Iron Ore, Chrome, Manganese, Copper, Copper, mixed ore reserves of Iron Ore+Copper+ Zn+Pb, Al Boxit, Nickel, Antimuan etc.   

Iron Ore

Iron Ore is supplied mainly from Turkey -- magnetite or hematite with Fe content vary between 50% to 63%. Regular supply available.


We have been sourcing steam coal and lump coal from China. Due to the increase in buying from China, we now focus on supplying steam and cooking coal to the Chinese market.

Chrome Ore

Chrome Ore

Chrome is one of  the main raw materials supplied from Turkey. The chrome percentage is between  38 % to  48%. Lump, fine and concentrates are available with regular supply.

Manganese Ore

Our Manganese sources are located in Turkey, with  Mn. Min 35% to 51%. Regular Supply available.

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